℡ 4000-520-616
℡ 4000-520-616
ZYMO RESEARCH/Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit/200 Preps/D4008
市  场 价:¥6120.00
场      地:美国(厂家直采)
邮      箱: info@ebiomall.com
美  元  价:$306.00
ZYMO RESEARCH/Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit/200 Preps/D4008
Highly efficient DNA purification from agarose gels.

  • Quick recovery of ultra-pure DNA from agarose gels.
  • Column design permits DNA elution at high concentrations into minimal volumes.
  • Eluted DNA is well-suited for use in DNA ligation, sequencing, labeling, PCR, etc.

The Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit is a gel DNA extraction kit that provides rapid purification of high quality DNA from TAE/TBE-buffered agarose gels. This gel DNA extraction kit features Zymo-Spin technology to yield high-quality, purified DNA in just minutes. DNA purified using the Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery kits is perfectly suited for use in DNA ligation reactions, sequencing, DNA labeling reactions, PCR, etc.

Applicable ForNext Generation sequencing, ligation reactions, PCR, labeling, and restriction endonuclease digestions.
Elution Volume≥ 6 µl of DNA Elution Buffer
Purity A260/A280 >1.8, A260/A230>1.8
Sample Source DNA excised from TAE/TBE-buffered agarose gels.
Size Range50 bp to 23 kb
YieldTypically, up to 5 µg total DNA per column can be eluted with ≥6 µl water. For DNA 50 bp to 10 kb the recovery is 70-90%. For DNA 11 kb to 23 kb the recovery is 50-70%

Q1: What is the difference between capped and uncapped?

The only difference is the cap. Everything else between the columns (max capacity, column matrix, etc.) is the same. Unsure which to use? It mainly comes down to preference. Some people like the capped columns for easy labeling or added security while others like the uncapped columns for faster sample processing.

Q2: Is it possible to use higher binding capacity columns for the Zymoclean workflow?

Zymoclean has been validated for use with Zymo-Spin IIC and IIN columns. Other columns with higher binding capacity have not been validated by Zymo Research but have successfully been used by users.

Q3: Are the columns and DNA Wash buffer interchangeable with the DCC-5 Kit?

Yes. Zymo-Spin I/IC Columns and DNA Wash Buffer are interchangeable.

Q4: Should more Agarose Dissolving Buffer be used for higher % gels?

Add 4 volumes of Agarose Dissolving Buffer for agarose gels >2% and ensure the gel slice has been fully dissolved.

Q5: Can Zymoclean be used for samples in solution (without agarose gel)?

No, high efficiency recovery is not guaranteed and the success of the purification can be variable.

Q6: Can Zymoclean be used to recover ssDNA?

If only isolating ssDNA, Zymo Research recommends the Zymoclean Gel RNA Recovery Kit. With some modification of the Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery protocol, it is possible to recover ssDNA: After gel dissolving (step 3), add half a volume of isopropanol. Continue with the protocol.

Q7: What is the maximum weight of gel slice that can be used?

Up to 400 mg of agarose gel.

“The best advantage about this kit is that it is really quick to make it, and the total DNA recuperated have a good quality and it have a good concentration to follow the experiments.”

-Ingrid M.

“The kit was very easy to follow and yielded good results. It was more affordable than the Qiagen Gel Extraction kits, but worked just as efficiently. Solid product“

-Thomas B (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

“Protocols are very well written and Instructions easy to follow. Always had good results with your products.”

-Simin H. (University of California, Irvine)
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Cat #NameSizePrice
C1001-50Collection Tubes50 Pack$15.00
C1004-50Zymo-Spin IC Columns50 Pack$53.00
C1003-50Zymo-Spin I Columns50 Pack$50.00
D3004-4-4DNA Elution Buffer4 ml$10.00
D3004-4-1DNA Elution Buffer1 ml$11.00
D4003-2-6DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate)6 ml$10.00
D4001-1-100ADB (Agarose Dissolving Buffer)100 ml$63.00
D4001-1-50ADB (Agarose Dissolving Buffer)50 ml$33.00
D4003-2-24DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate)24 ml$33.00

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